Answered Prayers

Just wanted to update about the current happenings right now in the Stanfield House...

Thankfully I was discharged from the hospital on Monday evening and was home in time to see Deacon before he went to bed.  He has done a much better job this time adjusting to all of the changes and I am so thankful for all the prayers for him... God hears them and continues to answer as we seek Him... as you all seek Him on our behalf.

Preschool was obviously something that I was really concerned about this past week.  Again, another tremendously answered prayer... Deacon has done GREAT!  He has really enjoyed going to his school and we are 2 for 2 of no crying.  YAY!  It makes me so happy and thankful that this has been possible.  It is something special that he can do by himself and he says he feels like a "big boy" when he goes.  I know it will help to continue building his confidence in Himself and what he knows about the Lord.  

In regards to lil missy, Faith Clare is doing well.  We repeated the FFT on Tuesday and I found out today that it was again negative.  With those negative results, in addition to the fact that I haven't progressed any more, things are looking good.  I will continue to be on bedrest for several more weeks to ensure that we can get in to the mid-30 weeks.  My goal right now is to make it to November with no more bleeding.  (Please pray for that... if I have any more bleeding I will be back in the hospital until delivery!)  I know Faith Clare is a strong girl and I continue to pray for her health, safety, strength and ability to stay put for a while longer.  

Now that my mom is on her return flight home, we are entering the period of "reality."  Because Dusty still has his regular obligations at work, he is now picking up a lot of the load here at home... which means added stress for everyone.  Thankfully we have been so blessed to have one of our occasional sitters/Deacon's teacher from his former daycare be able to help us out during the week.  I know this will be great for Deacon and she will be able to help us transition into this temporary period for the next month.

Thank you again for continuing to pray for us.  You know... it's interesting because I just watched a movie I had wanted to see for a while and there was a line repeated in the movie several times that said "If it wasn't this... it would be something else."  At first I thought that was so pessimistic but as I have continued to think about it a little bit more, I have realized that it is true.  God doesn't promise us a life without struggle and hardship.  Just because we have accepted Him and realized our need for a Savior, we are still in this sin-filled world with great difficulties on the road.  Each and every one of us are either confronting something right now, are just walking out of something major, or have dealt with heartache in the past.  We all still have many "road blocks" ahead... BUT the beautiful promises of the Lord and our sealed eternities promise us a "forever-future" without struggle and allow us to be able to place all of our hope and faith in the One who created us.     

As I have continued to be so thankful for your prayers for our family, I would ask that you lift another beautiful family up to the Lord tonight and in the days ahead.  I have become personal friends with this family and they have instilled so much hope in SO many families for sweet babies diagnosed with genetic disorders.  Please visit Connie's blog at that chronicles her daughter Mallorie and many of the things that they have faced.  Mallorie had a cleft-lip surgery this morning and seems to be doing well.  This is hopefully her last cleft surgery and we are praying for a quick recovery without complications and with minimal pain.  Mallorie is now a thriving 19 month old.

Thank you for being so generous with your prayers and so faithful in your prayer life!  We are eternally grateful.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."- John 16:33


Devin said…

So glad you are home....

Praying for you, almost without ceasing. And for Dusty; and for Deacon; and for Faith Clare.

I know the Lord is so good--He has shown it so many times! I am so thankful that Deacon is doing well with all of this. What huge adjustments for this little guy to have to be making, and yet it seems as though when they are little like that, they do so much better than we adults do :-). Anyway, hearing that he is alright was an answer to my of many prayers for you and your family.

You know I'll be on my knees...

Anonymous said…
As I was reading your blog tonight, I thought of this.

What God Hath Promised

God hath not promised
Skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways
All our lives thro';
God hath not promised
Sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow,
Peace without pain.
God hath not promised
We shall not know
Toil and temptation,
Trouble and woe;
He hath not told us
We shall not bear
Many a burden,
Many a care.
But God hath promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the laborer,
Light for the way,
Grace for the trials,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy,
Undying love.
by Annie Johnson Flint

Take care,
Even on bedrest with everything you are going through, you are encouraging us! Thanks so much-I linked to you today in the hopes to spark more prayer-bedrest is diffcult, so i will keep praying...
Christine said…
As you know, if you need anything don't be afraid to call! I would love to pick up deacon anytime and give him a little playdate.

Praying for the bleeding to stop for good so you can be at home with your boys. Always love to hear your words of hope and wisdom.

Love you!
Anxious AF said…
Great news everywhere! Im so glad!
So glad to hear the good update. Prayers are being answered! I will keep praying for you sweet friend. Stay in that bed!!
Love you,
{darlene} said…
Praise God! I am so glad that you are home! Also, it is wonderful that Deacon is transitioning into preschool well! It will be such a blessing for him, and your family, as you watch him grow in this way. I will be praying for no more bleeding!

Laurie in Ca. said…
I am so glad that you are home and Deacon is doing so good this time around. He is growing up mom:) Praying for Miss Faith to settle in and grow real good and especially for the bleeding to stop completely. I hope you have a wonderful weekend (even if it is on bedrest). It will all be so worth it when you look into your little girls eyes on her birthday. Love you girl and praying often.

Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
Abbie said…
Hey! I've been following your blog for a while now. I'm not sure where I originally saw it. I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers! This post today reminded me of a quote from Homer's "The Odyssey" (of all places). It says "Let this disaster come, it only adds one more". You are right. If it isn't this it would be something else. But your outlook on life and your spirit is admirable. You are in my prayers!
Kara said…
Just wanted you to know that even though I haven't commented in a long time, I still check in and I am still praying for all of you! Glad to hear God is continuing to answer our prayers! Can't wait to meet Ms. Faith!
Anonymous said…
Please know you are in my prayers daily. We had two babies that were very premature--28 weeks and 30. I was on bedrest for our second child pretty much the whole pregnancy with the last two months, before our daughter's birth, living in the hospital. I even had a three year old son while on bedrest as well. Both our children spent a couple months in the NICU (three years apart) and I managed to nurse both of them. It took a lot of work, I got to know our rented, industrial breast pump way too well, and it had its very frustrating moments (my husband was my personal cheerleader!). However, our son figured it out within a few months and our daughter, a slower learner, learned , consistently, much later than that (and then nursed until she was almost three--I couldn't have more children and loved every moment of it). The lactation consultants and the determination I had made it work. It is possible to do--unless there is a medical issue that doctor's say make it impossible. Yet, I even amazed my doctor with my tenacity and determination. At six months I returned the "machine" and the rest is history. I think I am the example given to mothers who come in wanting to nurse their babies at the NICU where our babies grew for the first months of their lives! In fact, I almost died with the birth of our firstborn son and my husband always teases me about my last words to him before I was wheeled into surgery..."Please remember to pump my breasts when I am out of surgery. I want to make sure I can nurse him when he is ready to try." Whatever happens, know you, Faith, and your family will continue to be lifted up in prayer. God is holding you in His arms. I would be happy to offer any encouragement I can, just let me know. I felt the need to write to you--the first time I have ever responded to someone I have been praying for on a blog! I sure hope it helps you through a very difficult time.
connie said…
Kenzie, I'm home!!! I found this comment tonight, which I'd never seen! Thank you for mentioning this while we were at the hospital with Mallorie!

I was going to put that in email, but decided, after I read the comment just before this one, that I'd leave the comment here. I LOVED reading this other mom's encouraging story about her experience with the whole preterm delivery/extended bedrest/determination to breastfeed, thing. What a hard time(s) it must have been for her, but what encouragement for others that even what feels like not possible can become possible. So even if you have to pump, dear friend, know that you are not alone (you know me), and also know that it does NOT mean Faith won't ultimately learn to nurse in time. Don't stress if it's not successful at first, and try to live as if there is nothing but time. And get that hospital pump in your room ASAP, .... so she can have the good stuff, anyway.

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