Interesting Stuff

I wanted to share something that Kristi, a sweet blog reader, sent me. I had never heard of this movie or the project until last night, but it looks good and sounds like it has some great points on Roe vs. Wade. I wasn't successful in viewing the 5 segmented pieces of the movie, but they are doing a full-stream of Come What May in it's entirety tomorrow through Wednesday (October 27th-29th). Check it out if you have some interest... The goal of the movie is to emphasize the importance of how this presidential election will impact Supreme Court appointments and how their rulings will impact this country. Take a look...

Click on "Breaking New: Watch Free Movie" on the top to take you to the viewing page.

There is some exciting news from Eliot Mooney's (99 Balloons) family that I would love to pass on... I know many of you have seen their beautiful "documentary" video of Eliot's 99 days on Earth and have been touched by them and their personal walk with their precious baby diagnosed with Trisomy 18. First, congratulations are in order as they just welcomed a new baby girl into their family just under two weeks ago- Hazel Emerson. Second, they have been given a wonderful platform to share the story of their journey with Eliot. As of right now, a taped episode on Oprah entitled "Miracle Children" will be airing this Tuesday, the 28th, and will share Matt & Ginny's story about Eliot.

I have to admit, I have "boycotted" Oprah for a while due to various issues, but I will be making an exception this week to watch the Mooney's story about Eliot. If you are interested, please try to tune in Tuesday.


Laurie in Ca. said…
Hey Kenzie,

Yep, Oprah has been on my "not favorite" list for some time now I must admit. But I already have the day marked to watch it on Tuesday. Eliot has been one of my favorites for a long time now. Love you girl.

Laurie in Ca.
Wifeof1Momof4 said…
I will make an effort to watch just as I did for Lysa Terkeurst (Proverbs 31 ministries) and hope and pray that the love of God AND the wisdom of God will somehow penetrate her heart and open her eyes.

Thanks for the heads up. Glad to see you are doing well.
babyrndeb said…
Thanks for the info...we have often watched 99 balloons at work as I try to inform people about our perinatal comfort care program. I will definitely watch and I pray that the truth gets out...

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