Peace & Purpose ~ Team Manna

So what is the purpose of this journey? Many times I've thought about all of the things that the Lord has taught me through these last several months and what He continues to reveal to me as we go... how He is teaching me to fully trust in Him. Am I being quieted to wait patiently upon His call? Do I see more clearly what love and compassion and Heaven mean? Am I being daily reminded to surrender all sense of control? I believe that each of those questions and many more give way to this "learning and growing experience." But, I also believe there is more... and that this reaches much farther than within these walls of our home. I believe that through all of this uncertainty and fear comes peace and purpose.
The beauty of all of this is that Maddox is already in the arms of our Savior... He lived the brief life he was created to live. And now, only a short 7 weeks after his arrival and departure, I already understand that the only way that his life, and this journey, can be filled with purpose is to bring glory to God. By serving the Lord we can let others know that Maddox's life, although according to worldly standards was just an instant, was completely worth everything we went through. And interestingly, God's purpose in all of this is still much bigger than us... As we seek His purpose for the little life that we remember, we know that one of the ways He is calling us into obedience is to help others walking this road behind us.
So for that reason and many more, we are going to be doing just that... we will be WALKING. We will be walking to remember. We will be walking to honor. We will be walking to prevent. We will be walking to raise money... and awareness... and hope. We will be walking to support others that will come behind us on this all-too-familiar road in hopes that one day, no one else will have to trod these worn paths again. Just as more families walk into their doctors offices to receive devastating news like we did, or walk into a hospital to give birth 16 weeks early like my friend Rachel did, or walk into a living room to see that their infant has fallen asleep and awoken in the arms of Jesus like my friend Brooke did... we will be walking to help them. And as we do, we pray that their hearts and minds will be solely focused upon Christ "who strengthens and sustains"... That they will some how find peace and purpose on the road that will be laid out before them as well.
Please join us, Team Manna, to support the March of Dimes March for Babies. We are asking for your help as we strive to reach our team goal and honor the lives of our children. Team Manna represents each of the 3 major categories (birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality) that the March of Dimes funds for research and public awareness. As we walk this year, we are doing so in memory of baby Maddox, baby Andrew and baby Noah, and in honor of the precious life of sweet Hannah.
To read each of our stories, view pictures and make a donation, please check out
You can also view our page on the March of Dimes site at
***NOTE: We want to thank the MANY people that have donated money to our family to help with all of the costs incurred over the past few months. We would like you to know that our family will be donating $500 to the March of Dimes March for Babies from the Thrivent funds received. Please know that you have helped our family and many other families with your generocity!
"He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD."- Deuteronomy 8:3
"This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever."- John 6:58
"He rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven."- Psalm 78:24
I got your blog from my friend Laura and Aimee. I live in Colorado. I would love to support your team and your walk. My son Larson was born on January 22nd and went to be with the Lord on January 23rd. Your blog is so sweet and encouraging. I have and continue to pray for you during this difficult time.
Wish I was walking with you..right by your side. I would love to help you. Funny you would write about purpose...I have been writing a post on just that subject! Think of you often and praying for you too.
Wish I was walking with you..right by your side. I would love to help you. Funny you would write about purpose...I have been writing a post on just that subject! Think of you often and praying for you too.
The March of Dimes Mission Statement: "Our mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. We carry out this mission through research, community services, education and advocacy to save babies' lives. March of Dimes researchers, volunteers, educators, outreach workers and advocates work together to give all babies a fighting chance against the threats to their health: prematurity, birth defects, low birthweight."
Their website also states: "MOD policy states that abortion is not the solution to the problem of birth defects. The MOD has long maintained its neutrality on the issue of abortion. All grantees and contractors regardless of their personal opinions are prohibited from using MOD funds for abortion research, to pay for abortions, or to give directive advice concerning abortions. Fetal tissue research does not violate this policy if applicable federal regulations are adhered to. A non-directive referral for counseling, if requested by a patient in the course of prenatal care, does not violate this policy. Violation of this policy constitutes grounds for immediate cancellation of a grant or termination of a cooperative agreement."
Thanks for giving me Hope and encourging my path with the Lord. I am so glad your blog has come into my life and I feel I should give thanks where thanks is due.
You're doing a great thing by making good out of something bad.
Keep strong! He will not forsake you.
you are doing this for a great cause and actually i would like to know how i can walk w/ you. can you please e-mail me and let me know i also have your march for babies site memorized. right now i don't have e-mail access sorry...please send that info i want to walk for this cause.
I'm glad that you're doing this! I think it is a perfect way to honor and remember, and I think you have chosen a perfect name. I was talking last night with some girls about was God's perfect provision for His people, yet it also required faith on the side of the people to trust that it would be there day after day to meet their needs. I think that figuratively, that's exactly where we find ourselves living each day.
Many Blessings,
Judy C. in Pa
I am completely behind you in this cause to honor Maddox and all of the babies who will benefit from further research. I have always supported the March of Dimes and trust them to use funds in a positive manner. I so wish I could have a say in where my tax dollars are used. I hate that they help to end lives instead of preserving life. I will be walking with you in spirit as I do every day as I pray for your journey you are in. Maddox's little life continues to touch me and teach me daily. Love you girl.
Hugs to you on this "Good Friday" and have a blessed Easter. He is Risen.
Laurie in Ca.
Is there an address I can contact you on privately?
Many thanks,
My husband and I just signed up to walk with you!! I am so happy you are doing this and I am looking forward to meeting you in person!