Lucky Number 18
Today, May 12th, is a special day. My sweet Faith Clare is 18-months old and today I am 18 weeks pregnant with our 4th sweet baby.
At 18-months old, Faith Clare, you:
~ Say "mama", "dada", "deeda" (Deacon, and just how he said it!), "ssss" (yes), "naaaao" (no), "blub, blub, blub" (what fishies say), "woof, woof" (doggies), "nana" (for your paci), "wa wa" (agua), "ma" (for yes m'am), "dup" or "bup" (up), "elp" (help), "uh oh", "owww"
~ Sign all done, please, thank-you, more, and help
~ Climb basically anything- tables, chairs, chests, couches, stairs, stools... The only thing you haven't done yet is climb out of your crib!
~ Play constantly with your big brother- airplanes, trains, trucks, cars, even light sabers
~ Still sit rear-facing in your carseat
~ Weigh 20lbs 2oz (Wooohooo, finally hit 20lbs)
~ Go to bed around 7:30PM and take a 2+ hr nap each day
~ Wear size 3 diapers
~ Would eat yogurt every meal if we let you- cups, tubes and drinkables
~ Don't like ANY vegetables but will eat beans all day long (kidney, pinto, black, garbanzo)
~ Would pick a banana over any fruit that exists but that is still pushing it- you would prefer sweets any time of the day
~ LOVE cinnamon rolls, donuts, cake, ice cream, lollipops... again ANYTHING sweet
~ Chug your milk each morning and then throw your cup in a tantrum when it is gone
~ Aren't interested at all in TV, even when your big brother is watching
~ Get into everything- cupboards, magazines, jewelry boxes, the dishwasher
~ Have a blast in your backyard swing
~ Constantly make us laugh- your expressions, your dancing, your cuteness
~ Love to dance, chase, body-slam with daddy, jump on beds, read books, play babies, blow bubbles, use chalk, ride bikes and most of all, snuggle
Faith Clare, you are such a treasure to Daddy and I. We love you so much and couldn't even begin to imagine this life without you! You bring such joy and fun to our family. You love Deacon more than anything and he takes great care of you. We are praying you will do the same for the newest little babe to join our family! We love you precious girl!
At 18-weeks pregnant, newest little one, you:
~ Are about the length of a green pepper
~ Are measuring a full week ahead
~ Are prayed for constantly and loved more than you know
~ Have been moving lots and mommy has felt you for about 3 weeks now
~ Have a strong heartbeat
~ Don't have a name yet
~ Are due in the beginning of October, but I am predicting a September arrival
"From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth."- Psalm 50:2
At 18-months old, Faith Clare, you:
~ Sign all done, please, thank-you, more, and help
~ Climb basically anything- tables, chairs, chests, couches, stairs, stools... The only thing you haven't done yet is climb out of your crib!
~ Play constantly with your big brother- airplanes, trains, trucks, cars, even light sabers
~ Still sit rear-facing in your carseat
~ Weigh 20lbs 2oz (Wooohooo, finally hit 20lbs)
~ Go to bed around 7:30PM and take a 2+ hr nap each day
~ Wear size 3 diapers
~ Would eat yogurt every meal if we let you- cups, tubes and drinkables
~ Don't like ANY vegetables but will eat beans all day long (kidney, pinto, black, garbanzo)
~ Would pick a banana over any fruit that exists but that is still pushing it- you would prefer sweets any time of the day
~ LOVE cinnamon rolls, donuts, cake, ice cream, lollipops... again ANYTHING sweet
~ Chug your milk each morning and then throw your cup in a tantrum when it is gone
~ Aren't interested at all in TV, even when your big brother is watching
~ Get into everything- cupboards, magazines, jewelry boxes, the dishwasher
~ Have a blast in your backyard swing
~ Constantly make us laugh- your expressions, your dancing, your cuteness
~ Love to dance, chase, body-slam with daddy, jump on beds, read books, play babies, blow bubbles, use chalk, ride bikes and most of all, snuggle
Faith Clare, you are such a treasure to Daddy and I. We love you so much and couldn't even begin to imagine this life without you! You bring such joy and fun to our family. You love Deacon more than anything and he takes great care of you. We are praying you will do the same for the newest little babe to join our family! We love you precious girl!
At 18-weeks pregnant, newest little one, you:
~ Are about the length of a green pepper
~ Are measuring a full week ahead
~ Are prayed for constantly and loved more than you know
~ Have been moving lots and mommy has felt you for about 3 weeks now
~ Have a strong heartbeat
~ Don't have a name yet
~ Are due in the beginning of October, but I am predicting a September arrival
"From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth."- Psalm 50:2
Love and Hugs, Laurie
Can't wait to hear more about your precios new boy.
I've been reading your blog for quite some time now, and I just knew I had to comment today!! I am praying for a continued easy healthy pregnancy!! God Bless!
Much love,
If you email me I can give you some more info on their family. They are doing really well and there are some specific reasons they can't blog :)
Hope y'all are doing well!