Prayer for the Batiansila Family

Please pray the precious Batiansila family. In the last 24 hours they watched their beautiful daughter Zoe make her way into the arms of our Savior. She was born just two months after Maddox and I have followed their journey as they have given selflessly to all eight of their kids and poured love and light into this world of Trisomy 18.

Please pray for them as God leads you... my heart is breaking for them.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord, "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."- Isaiah 55:8-9


boltefamily said… words...just prayers
Laurie in Ca. said…
I have been praying non stop for Greg and the family. My heart is so broken for them. They are an amazing family of love and selfless in caring for Zoe. I too have followed from the beginning and Zoe stole my heart! She stood for all of the precious babies that went home too soon. Who will snore and growl into Gregs ear now that his little snoopy is home with the Lord? And Jen, oh my heart hurts so much for them. Love you Kenzie.

Love and Hugs, Laurie
sanjeet said…
It is refreshing to my heart

Work from home India
mrsmarkdave said…
Thanks for calling this family to our attention. I will probably never know this kind of pain. But, this I realize and am lifting them up to Jesus today!
Something I heard someone pray on your Maddox video "Thank you that we don't have to go through this alone."
My heart is heavy. I will be's still so confusing.
Love you,

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